We rushed through our morning routine, went to get gas, and were on the road by 10 though, so no big loss.

We had the pleasant surprise of having the very first sale we visited being one of the best of the entire day.
For me, the best find, were the Star Wars books:
There were more there, but these are the ones I don't already own. And the best part is that 7 of them are part of a 9 book series which I've currently been re-reading / purchasing as I read them. I already owned the first one, and he didn't want to part with his hardback copy of the last book. Still, I probably saved $50 dollars by picking up these (and the below) books for $5 total.

On the left is an old "behind the scenes" book with some great photographs of one of my favorite movies ever: Return of the Jedi. On the right is an unofficial game guide for Final Fantasy VII. Game guides are kind of pointless in the age of constant internet access...but I like flipping through them and going over the various pieces of artwork, or being able to see odd things like monster stats & abilities.

This was Morrie's find. A dictionary of things referenced in the Tolkienverse. They wanted $2 for it, but we got away with $0.50 because of this:

Honestly, I find the black mold rather worrying. But it appears to be mostly dead, and Morrie was quite enamored with the book. There is some information online about removing mold from books which Morrie is using to (hopefully) make the thing safe to keep.

A notebook made out of circuitboards. I've always wanted one of these. Got it for a dollar. Which, if you're keeping score, means that I got everything in the last three pictures for a total of $3.50.

We found these on the bad side of the tracks down in Sumner. When I saw a bin filled with miniatures, I thought maybe I could use them for D&D. Unfortunately, they were apparently part of some kind of game, and the owner didn't want to part with them very cheaply.
However, upon hearing that I played D&D, he went into the house to bring these out. I can't say either of them looks like something I'm super eager to play...but neither of them looks bad. And when he accepted my offer of $5 for both books, I walked away happy. I can't say no to sourcebooks that cheap!
Now, as I've mentioned before on this blog, I stay away from clothes at garage sales. I'm very particular about the clothes I will wear, and so few people are in synch with me that it's not even worth looking most of the time. Not to mention the fact that wearing someone else's clothes seems kinda groady to me, and I have bad memories of hand-me-downs as it is.
But when I saw this for 0.25, I was all over it:

If you can't see, what it says on the front, it's the D&D logo with their "30th anniversary" decal from a few years back.
When I went to pay for it I asked if there was any other D&D stuff they were looking to part with, and I was directed towards these, which I hadn't seen before:

Now, lets be clear: I knew that this show had a reputation for being one of the absolute worst cartoons ever made well before I purchased them. But at $2 for a quirky collectible like this, I couldn't resist.
And for the record, it really is pretty awful. I'm probably going to run a campaign based on it just to spite my players.

Morrie doesn't like plastic spatulas. She's been wanting metal ones for awhile, and the folks selling these took my offer of $1 for the pair of them.
I am concerned for my Teflon, though >.>

A long while ago, I decided I was fed up with cheap, tiny pencil sharpeners. They break the pencil as often as they sharpen it. Fuck that noise. But, being the stubbornly cheap guy that I can be sometimes, I never wanted to pay the money for a proper sharpener.
This one was free.
Well, technically they took a dollar for it. But, when it fell apart in my hands right in front of them, they gave me my dollar back and told me that I could take it to tinker with. I told them I thought I could fix it real quick, but the woman there told me she was "making an executive decision," and I accepted their return of my dollar.
I had fixed it by the time we got back to the car. Now I just need to mount it somewhere.

I've got an old black filing cabinet next to our bed which I use as document storage / bedside table. However, the thing has been falling apart for years. Its gotten to the point where there are no handles, several sharp places where the metal is torn, and the entire thing is generally a paint to deal with. So I decided to replace it with one I found at a garage sale. I see them often enough, but almost everyone wants $10 or more for them.
This one, I got for $2. No rust or anything, either!
After that, we decided to call an early end to our sailing at 1:00pm. But we passed one last garage sale, and on a whim we decided to stop:

$5 for the lego, $4 for the games.
As the youth say, "Hells yeah!"
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